Monday, July 11, 2005

American Hiroshima?

According to sources, Al-Qaida already has nukes in the
United States, smuggled across our border by the infamous
MS-13 street gangs. These weapons range from the Cold War
Soviet-styled suitcase nuke to tactical nuclear weapons;
such as artillery shells, nuclear mines, and even some
missle warheads.

Former FBI consultant, Paul L. Williams, in his new book,
"The al-Qaida Connection: International Terrorism,
Organized Crime and the Coming Apocalypse," details how
Al-Qaida is planning to target major US cities with
simultaneous nuclear detonations in the near future.

According to his book, Bin Laden's goal is the death of
four million Americans, and at least two million of these

I think that we as Americans and Christians especially must
get serious about the situation at hand. The border must be
sealed immediately, the notorious MS-13 gangs must be
deported immediately and all suspect al-Qaida operatives
rounded up and also deported out of our country. Our
politicians must forego politics as usual and respond to
this national emergency at once.

I just pray that God will have mercy and rapture His
church before this country meets its coming day of judgment.

See related articles:

Al-Qaida nukes already in U.S.

Al-Jazeera to look at open U.S. border

Mexico's blind eye to al-Qaida activity

Non-Mex illegal crossing surge

Islam on march south of border

FBI chief warns of aliens from al-Qaida-tied nations

Al-Qaida runs own travel agency

Financial squeeze pushed al-Qaida south of the border

Al-Qaida south of the border?

Terrorist base south of the border

Terrorists active in U.S. 'backyard'

A Mexico cover-up of U.S. terrorist threats?

Defector: Chavez gave $1 million to al-Qaida


cybeRanger said...

Shalom! Jesus loves you!
May our Abba Father bless you to be a blessing to others and use you mightily for His glory!

May I have a link to your blog from mine? Simply visit my blog and leave
your reply at

cybeRanger said...

Thanks for the link. I have linked my blog to yours. Have a blessed week ahead!

Maria Lileth said...

hi ptr.larry, found your blog throu cyberranger. i'll be dropping by your blog once in awhile.

i like your blogspot, i'll tell my friend who wants to know more about end of times.

God bless

Unknown said...

Here are some thoughts about the four horsemen that I have written on my website:

The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse (6:1-17)

As Jesus opens the first seal, John hears one of the four living creatures give the order for the rider on the white horse to go forth. This first horseman is not Christ, but one who comes in His name. This evil personage is known by many names, but primarily as the Antichrist or Beast. He has a bow but no arrows, indicating that he shall "come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries" (Dan. 11:21, 24). He will rise to power through the voluntary alliance of ten western European nations uniting under a one-world government.

As the "prince that shall come" (Dan. 9:26), he will lead Israel into signing an international peace pact which Isaiah describes as a "covenant with death, and with hell" (Isa. 28:15, 18). This treaty will guarantee the Jewish nation not only a time of peace and security, but also an occasion to rebuild their temple.

Next John sees the second seal opened and the red horse rider summoned forth. Red is the color of bloodshed and war. Peace will be short-lived, as somewhere near the midst of the Tribulation week Russia and her Muslim allies will sweep down upon the mountains of the small and unsuspecting nation of Israel. Through a series of God's judgments, the northern army is destroyed leaving only a sixth part. The destruction will be so great that it will take seven years to burn the weapons and seven months to bury the dead. This deadly war begins a series of conflicts that escalate until all the nations of the world are drawn into the blood-soaked Battle of Armageddon.

With the defeat of the Russian armies, the Antichrist uses this opportunity to seize world control. He then breaks his agreement with Israel and establishes himself in the newly rebuilt temple proclaiming himself God.

The third seal beckons the black horse rider. After war comes famine and economic disaster. The majority of the world's population will face starvation during this period on an unprecedented scale. Gold, silver, and paper currency will become useless as they're soon replaced by a monetary system controlled by the Beast. Food will be rationed and a person will find himself working all day just to feed himself. Yet the rich will get richer having access to luxuries that are denied to the common man.

After this the fourth seal is opened and John sees a pale horse whose rider is named Death. He is followed closely by Hell (hades). Death claims the body while Hades devours the soul and spirit. This lethal judgment will claim only unbelievers who are killed through God's "four sore judgments" of war, famine, plague, and wild beasts. Twenty-five percent of the world's population will perish from this one calamity alone!

The fifth seal reveals the martyred saints of the first three and one-half years. They are now under the heavenly altar after being murdered for their faith in Jesus Christ. They are given white robes symbolizing the righeousness of God. Their souls cry out for vengeance, but they're told they must be patient and wait for others who will be killed during the remainder of the Great Tribulation.

A catastrophic earthquake that will usher in the wrath of God and the last half of the Tribulation period announces the sixth seal. The sun, moon, and stars are effected (notice the word "as") and every mountain and island on earth shaken. I believe these will be literal judgments poured out on a Christ-rejecting world. Men will realize during this time that the end is near, but they would rather escape through death than call on God in repentance.