Hello Mr. Limbaugh,
Your article, "Dems and their terror-sympathizing imam" was very much to the point. I had seen the interview on FoxNews, so I was aware of the ridiculous remarks by Geraldine Ferraro and Fox News' Alan Colmes.
But this ignorance concerning the true nature of Islam seems to be not only confined to Dems, even some Republicans ("Islam is a peaceful religion?"), but even in religous circles. I, a Baptist pastor, asked my Presbyterian pastor friend what he thought of this prayer and he didn't seem to be too upset about it. In fact, he didn't think we as Christians should be too worried about this problem. It seems very few Christians that I've voiced concern about this problem are concerned either. My wife says that I watch too much Fox News :)
Most people seem to forget that; first of all, Islam is a false religion, just like Hinduism, Buddism, etc. The main difference is that they use Jihad to spread their "faith." It seems their main goal is to spread their religion to the whole world, at least ultimately. I think most people get the "Jihad" thing, but what they don't realize is that we are succumbing to the same tactics that Europe has entertained, an overwhelming Muslim population that they fear and one that is beginning to exert itself on Western civilization. We need to get a handle on this now. We needto decrease immigration from hostile Middle Eastern countries, stop the hate-filled Imams from teaching terrorist propaganda in their mosques, and not adopt the multicultural practices of Europe and other countries and encourage those that are here to integrate into our society.
Muslims are out-producing most other population goups by 10 to 1 (just throwing this figure out there); therefore, with their lobbying by CAIR and others, they are worming their way into our society little by little. This is what their aim is, to take over by peaceful means, if possible. Hey, maybe I'm a fear-monger, but I'm savvy enough to see what is going on here, and I'm afraid our political parties are too blinded by their political aspirations to see the real danger that is lurking just around the corner. We will soon begin to hear from some that maybe "Sharia" law is not too bad afterall...
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