Thursday, June 23, 2011

STARTLING--White House: Objective not to defeat Taliban

STARTLING--White House: Objective not to defeat Taliban

The president's announcement that he will withdraw 33,000 (roughly a third) US troops from Afghanistan is an indicator of tremendous foreign policy decisions at the expense of American lives and national security. The US president's decision may result in handing over to terrorists. Last week, reports surfaced that the president ignored the warnings of his military commanders that this announcement and the subsequent withdrawal would negatively impact operations in Afghanistan. Among the concerns were the emboldening of Taliban terrorists. According to, in the three years since this president took office, 63% of the total deaths for the US military in Afghanistan have occurred.

Last week, White House spokesman Jay Carney danced all around the question of whether the US had entered direct peace talks with the Taliban. On CNN's June 19 "State of the Union" show, Defense Secretary Robert Gates confirmed the US was talking peace to the Taliban. The Pakistan newspaper Dawn reported June 21 that "Mid-ranking US State Department and CIA officials have met Taliban representatives led by Tayyab Agha, a personal aide of Mullah Omar, at least thrice since January 2011 - once in Qatar and twice in Germany." The White House, therefore, is not only in talks with terrorists, but has been holding such talks for half a year. It is amazing that the foreign press reports this, but not the American media.

From the White House on Tuesday, Carney made a startling statement that was again largely overlooked by the news media. He said, "Now, it is important to note that defeating the Taliban is not the objective here. Reversing the momentum of the Taliban is an objective, and we have had significant success in achieving that objective." In announcing the war on terror September 20, 2001, President George W Bush made specific demands on the Taliban that if not met, meant the US would seek its total defeat. The current president without notice to the American people changed the objective, is suing for peace, at a time when Taliban terrorists are killing our sons and daughters at a record pace. This is a sign of weakness to Islam.

Carney then said, "I think it's important to point out that this is an Afghan-led process, because this is not reconciliation between US forces or US personnel and the Taliban. It's a reconciliation between Afghans, between the Afghan government representative of the people and the Afghan Taliban." Last night the president addressed America from a White House hallway. He was not flanked by the American flag, neither the flag of the President. There was no flag. What is going on here? We are not there to defeat the Taliban; they are at war with Afghanis not America; we ask for peace when terrorist kill us in record numbers? Where is our solid ground? Proverbs 29:2 says, "when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day! 
Bill Wilson

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