Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood infiltration at the president's invitation

Muslim Brotherhood infiltration at the president's invitation

The US president appears to have embarked on a deliberate strategy to embrace radical Islam by partnering with Islamic organizations calling for the demise of the United States, and by assigning Islamists to key strategic positions that oversee the security of the nation, aspects of the judiciary, and are intimate aides to high level administration appointees. The Administration's public position is that these relationships are in the best interest of the United States in promoting tolerance in America and democracy in the Middle East. In reality, they raise poignant and unthinkable questions whether this president has violated his oath of office and several US laws by facilitating an Islamic takeover of America.

One need look no further than the Administration's embracing of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and high level appointments of Muslims who are directly associated to the MB or have ties to organizations associated with the MB. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's top aid since 1996 is Huma Abedin. Former Palestinian terrorist now converted Christian Walid Shoebat says that Abedin was never properly screened.

Shoebat reports that Abedin "is closely associated with her Muslim Brotherhood family and even joined Clinton at an event with her mother, Saleha Abedin, at Dar El-Hekma College in Saudi Arabia. Also present was a close associate of Saleha Abedin-Suheir Qureshi. Qureshi's name later appeared in several prominent Arab newspapers when it was revealed that she belonged to a list of 63 members of the secret arm of the Muslim Brotherhood called The Sisterhood. The full list was later revealed-Huma Abedin's mother is on it. Huma's brother-Hassan Abedin-also collaborates with Omar Naseef and Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, two of the most influential terror supporters in the world."

Clinton recently overruled the Immigration and Nationality Act by allowing Tariq Ramadan entry into the United States. Ramadan, described as an independent power center within the MB, is the grandson of the founder of the MB. He has been banned to travel in the US since 2004 for his contributions to Hamas and links to radical Islamists.

Clinton also announced on the eve of the July 4th holiday that the United States welcomes dialogue with the MB, prompting this response from Frank Gaffney, Jr. at the Center for Security Policy: "The Obama administration chose the eve of the holiday marking our Nation's birth to acknowledge publicly behavior in which it has long been stealthily engaged to the United States' extreme detriment:  Its officials now admit that they are embracing the Muslim Brotherhood (MB or Ikhwan in Arabic).  That would be the same international Islamist organization that has the destruction of the United States, Israel and all other parts of the Free World as its explicit objective."

The MB was founded in 1928 to establish global Sharia Law through jihad. The Administration states that the MB denounces violence and promotes democracy. In reality, the MB is the umbrella organization that supports various terrorist groups including Hamas, Hezbollah, and al Qaeda. For example, Egyptian Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda's new commander, joined the MB when he was 14. The MB also has an extensive network in the United States through various vassal organizations including: Muslim American Society, Islamic Society of North America, Muslim Students Association, Muslim Businessmen Association, Muslim Youth of North America, Mercy International Association, Islamic Circle of North America, Muslim Arab Youth Association, The Association of Muslim Social Scientists. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is closely associated with many of these organizations.

The MB, with a public facade of non-violence, promotes democracy as a landing point to gain political control and establish Sharia Law, as its supported terrorist groups did so aptly in Gaza with Hamas and in Lebanon with Hezbollah. Currently, its targets are Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, and the United States of America.

The MB was exposed in the Holy Land Foundation trial in 2007. Documents provided as evidence in the trial indicated a plan to take over the United States. The plan, written in 1991 calls for Islamists to colonize America with Islamic Centers, schools, elected officials and court cases. It seeks to establish a "Civilization-Jihadist Process." It outlines how "work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house..." The plan is using so-called "moderate" Muslim groups to establish a beachhead in the US and then radical elements to take over.

MB-supported elected officials are found across America in local offices. At the national level the first Muslim elected to Congress, Minnesota Democrat Keith Ellison is an MB-supported candidate. The Muslim American Society (aka MB) paid for Ellison's Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. The MB ties also extended deep into then-Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign. In October 2008, FOX News reported that the Obama campaign was rift with associates of the MB. FOX reported that Minha Husaini replaced Mazen Asbahi as Obama's Muslim liaison after Asbahi resigned over revelations that groups linked to the MB featured him as a speaker. FOX reported that Husaini also met with groups tied to the MB and Hamas in Virginia on September 15, 2008.

Since the campaign, the Administration has redoubled its efforts to appoint Muslims to high government positions. The Congressional Muslim Staffers Association, now disbanded because of its ties to radical Islamists, vetted potential appointments "under the radar," according to J. Saleh Williams, who headed the effort.

The result is a tremendous number of Islamists sitting at key strategic positions in the federal government and on the judiciary. Included are: David Heyman, nominated as Assistant Secretary for Policy at the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and at the same agency, Secretary Janet Napolitano has appointed Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development. According to Newsmax, "both men are devout, Shariah Law Muslims, and in her announcement Napolitano made that very clear...Alikan is associated with the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) "a public service agency working for the civil rights of American Muslims." BOTH men will have top security clearances. Several Muslims at the DHS who have top security clearances are associated with groups that claim Hamas and Hezbollah are "humanitarian" organizations.""

And such appointments continue. The president has appointed Hezbollah favorite Abed Hammoud as  Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan. Hammoud. In the past, he has said that Israelis are like Nazis. He has led marches against Israel. The pro-Hezbollah Arab-American News in Dearborn, Mi reported that Hammoud led marchers against Israel who were chanting "Down, down Israel!" and "Death to Israel!" The newspaper quoted Hammoud saying, "Other than our own leaders, Israel pulls us together like no one else can." Hammoud added to cheers, "We don't believe Hizbullah is a terrorist organization. We obey the law, we don't give them financial support or provide them with aid, but we think this law needs to be changed."

Israel National News reported on June 20 that the president appointed Azizah al-Hibri to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. al-Hibri believes that Sharia Law is superior to Western Law, no surprise since she sat on the National Advisory Board of the American Muslim Council. INN reported that in 2001, "Al-Hibri traveled to the Afghan border and criticized the Western press for "sensationalizing" Taliban atrocities and using them "as an opportunity to attack Islam". After the attacks of September 11, she cautioned against bombing Al-Qaeda and Taliban targets during Ramadan."

Former CIA agent and current professor for the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies Clare Lopez concludes that the Administration has quietly installed Islamists in key security and foreign policy positions who are now directing the Middle East foreign policy of the United States.

The evidence appears overwhelming that the radical Islamist influence assembled by this White House is in lock step with the Muslim Brotherhood plan to takeover America. Perhaps the unthinkable has become reality. As the prophet Jeremiah spoke of ancient Babylon that had many of the same traits of today's post-moral America "Surely I will fill thee with men, as with locusts; and they shall raise a battle cry against thee (51:14)." The evidence is in plain sight, but how long will it take for America to awaken from her politically correct slumber?


Muslim Brotherhood Plan to take over America

Obama gets list of top Muslim Americans

Obama Muslim Outreach meets with Jihadists

Israel National News on radical Obama appointment

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day! 
Bill Wilson

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