Monday, September 12, 2011

The Prophetic Truth and the Reality of 911

The Prophetic Truth and the Reality of 911 – Bill Wilson –

As we remember the atrocities of 911, let us not forget the reason for 911. Islam. The man who occupies the Oval Office remarked that America will never be at war with Islam or any other religion. But who has America been fighting the past ten years? Who has perpetrated terror against innocent men, women, and children since the Barbary pirates in the late 1700's through early 1800's? Islam. Who justifies killing; who justifies that Israel is comprised of pigs and should be destroyed; who's "holy book" instructs its CULTure to either convert Christians and Jews into its system, or kill them? Islam.

This is prophesied in the Bible of the one true God in Genesis 16:11, 12, "And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren." This was the beginning of the star and crescent, where even Mohammed traced back the beginning of Islam. It is Ishmael who the Muslims believe was heir to Abraham, something cooked up thousands of years later.

It is a real stretch to point out in a speech commemorating the horrors of 911 to say that America's men and women have been at war for ten years, and then say it is not a war against Islam. Every one of our children who have been killed in Afghanistan, even in Iraq, by the enemy, where killed in the name of allah. It is even worse to adopt a foreign policy, as America's leadership has, to partner with our enemies--Islamic Sharia groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda--to overthrow governments and destabilize the Middle East in the name of spreading democracy. This is not only a sham, it is a shame.

As I remember 911, I remember how a militant fascist political system started another world war disguised as a "peaceful" religion. I remember the many prophecies in the Bible about the end times and how there will be a one world system and a one world religion under the antichrist, who will reign over tribulation for seven years. And I remember how Islam's eschatology speaks of the Mahdi who will return in the end times and establish the peace of Islam over all the earth for seven years with Jesus Christ as his prophet. And I see the spirit of delusion as it casts its net over the arrogant and unbelieving. Only in Christ is there truth.

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