Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Earthquakes / Hurricanes - What Will Hit in Your Area?

Earthquakes / Hurricanes - What Will Hit in Your Area?

Are you prepared for natural and possibly even man made disasters?

ray-book-3d-medWhat is the best food storage system that is truly affordable? Page 87

Not much money? What is the best "getting started" handgun one can purchase? Page 93

Do you know what it means to be a "Grey Man" and then become one? Page 128

The dollar has died, the "new normal" is here. Do you know what to expect? page 171

Do you know that one of the most common house plants in the nation is also completely eddible? Page 199

In this book the author, Ray Gano, takes examples from history as well as from a Christian biblical standpoint showing what you can do to prepare. Is your family prepared to Survive The Coming Storm?

If you live in the US, ($20.00) please use the following link
If you live outside the US, ($25.00) please use the following link

If you wish to pay by check, let me know so I can hold it for you. For those of you who wish to do that, here is our mailing address...

PMB #230
651 S. Walnut Ave. Ste. D
New Braunfels, TX 78130-5764

Please make checks to PROPHEZINE.

Pray that God uses this book for His glory and that it will really do well and make the best seller list.

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