Tuesday, September 11, 2007

More on possible imminent threat

More on possible imminent threat
Jim Bramlett
Sep 11, 2007

Dear friends:

After my e-mail yesterday about imminent terror threats, I received two interesting responses from readers.

1. One was from an airline pilot with inside information who said, "The Feds are quietly, even secretly (no change in the color coded security chart) are hugely beefing up airport security. Starting tonight 9/10 at Midnight, through 9/14 Midnight security is going to be huge. Uniformed and plain clothes with trained dogs and automatic weapons at the ready for any activity."

2. Another reader reported, "President Bush has also asked all Americans to be praying for a shield of protection over the United States. Dr. Dobson called for prayer during his broadcast today and said Bush has requested it."

It sounds like the government does, indeed, know something. Thank God we have a President who believes in the need for prayer to protect us and doesn't mind asking citizens to pray.

Another reader took me to task for mentioning failed predictions of the past but not mentioning how such predictions were met with prayer by a lot of people and the attacks could have been exposed and thwarted by such prayer. She is right. My mistake. Let's do it!

Today is 9-11, the six-year anniversary of the terrible attack on America. Let us not forget that at this very moment radical Muslims are working and planning to destroy us. The war on terror is not just a "bumper sticker," as John Edwards ignorantly charges.


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