Thursday, December 06, 2007



One of the fastest growing global businesses in the world today is the people business – providing skilled workers to meet the labour demand for growing economies. The rapid economic growth around the globe has put pressure on many employers for skilled staff. Even countries such as India, which have traditionally supplied skilled staff to overseas businesses (especially the IT sector), are now facing skills shortages themselves. Mature economies such as the European and Northern Asian economies have a growing skills shortage as their population’s age, and younger people move into non-traditional occupations.

Over recent years whenever there is a financial crisis within the US economy has been for the Federal Reserve to inject more money into the banking system. Japan has also followed this policy to inflate its economy to stimulate domestic growth, but with a large current account surplus, has not been dependent on the inflow of overseas capital – rather has been an exporter of capital. The increase in the supply of dollars has flooded the world with liquidity, providing the capital to nations that were once America’s enemies to enable them to expand their economies to where they now threaten and compete with our very economic survival.

Meanwhile the world is experiencing one of the greatest shifts in economic power in history. The global economic dominance that the Anglo-Saxon nations have maintained for the last 200 years is now rapidly disappearing. America’s wealth continues to decline as the US dollar falls against the Euro as investors withdraw their capital before loosing all value on their investments. The US dollar is no longer being accepted as an international reserve currency, America is being replaced from being the dominant global economic power with the Euro Zone nations. The Euro will be become the only international accepted reserve currency, allowing the Euro Zone to become the dominant global economic power.

Over recent years Central Banks in some countries (especially the USA and Japan) have inflated their money supply to provide domestic stimulus to their economies. This “created” money has flowed out from the Anglo-Saxon countries and Japan, providing the emerging economies (especially in Asia) with the capital to finance their rapid economic growth. Those Anglo-Saxon nations which have been operating with large current account deficits have benefited from their trading partners willingness to continual lending to finance their consuming habits and lifestyle. Now they are faced with the dilemma of being unable to attract the capital to finance its deficits and to maintain its current level of domestic growth, as well as to service its enormous debt. It is now resulting in the collapse of the US dollar.

The Anglo-Saxon nations have traditionally plundered the world’s resources to maintain their extravagant standard of living. Now the emerging economies are aggressively competing for these same resources. Not only does this include exploiting the planet’s natural resources, but will also include competing for many of the most talented people with specialisied skills residing in the Anglo-Saxon nations. Those emerging economies with the new purchasing power now want to have the same quality of life that the Anglo-Saxon people have enjoyed. However, the planet does not have the natural resources or the advanced technology for the rest of the world to maintain the same extravagant lifestyle as Americans, British, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders. There is growing competition for natural resources as well as the skills by emerging economies to develop to compete with the west.

America has bought the world globalization – where capital has the freedom to exploit natural or human resources to maximum profits. US capital has in the past been able to move into third countries to take advantages of cheap labour to produce manufactured goods or services to gain profits to shareholders. With the collapse of the US dollar, some of the vary countries that America has exploited in the past will do the same – but with even less respect to human rights than American capital has shown in the past.

Especially since WW2, some of the best brains and talent have been recruited to work in the USA which has had the money to attract the skills to help maintain the standard of living Americans now have. As the dollar declines, America will no longer be able to compete for this talent. The top skilled people will be recruited by those nations that can offer the best price. Global capital is now fleeing to Europe as a safe haven - this inflow of capital will stimulate economic growth in Europe, and the demand for skilled labour. The EU is becoming the economic powerhouse of the world,

It is only a matter of time before the US dollar totally collapses. Each day is slides further and further down against the Euro. Soon it will be totally worthless. The collapse of the dollar will be followed by the collapse of the US economy and nation-wide poverty. Their populations will become destitute. There will be wide-spread economic hardship and starvation. The collapse of the US dollar will bring about economic turmoil and political instability around the world. It will bring about widespread hatred of the Anglo-Saxon nations, who will be blamed for the troubles of the world.

People will become desperate to do anything to obtain money to live. They will accept extremely low wages if just to have sufficient money to survive. The USA will be come a fourth-world country – its people desperate. Its skilled workers and resources will be defenseless and ripe for plundering. Former international trading partners will set up factories in the USA using cheap labour – those working in those factories will be employed as slave labour. What we are about to see unfold over the coming months is increased competition for the world’s resources. This is just not just for oil and food – it will also be for the talent and skills necessary to maintain a modern industrial society. It will allow international capitalism to exploited human capital to maintain the factories and demands for keeping an advanced society.

There will be a growing demand for skilled labour resources from the Anglo-Saxon nations by the European and Asian economies to meet their skills needs as their population ages. Human capital from the Anglo-Saxon nations will be plundered at will – their new taskmasters will not be generous with respecting employment laws as exist in our countries today. In Europe German has had a history in WW1 & WW2 of using slave labour on a large scale. This was also practiced by the Japanese. There is no reason why the same policies will not be adopted in the future.

The export and recruitment of people is now a major international industry. Nations such as the Philippines earn more from the repartitions of income from overseas workers than international trade – it is their single largest export industry. Yet these nations do not have the same level of skilled workforce that resides in the Anglo-Saxon nations.

The reverse movement of talent and skills from North America to Europe will see some of the greatest migrations to take place in recent history. This migration will take place because a desperate people will be willing to accept anything just to survive. They will be willing to give up their freedom to provide the skills and technology to support the EU and Asian economies to survive. There will be no respect for individual rights and freedoms as we have today – amongst many of these nations there is no love for the Anglo-Saxons, and their individual rights. The new taskmaster will not have any conscience of exploiting human capital.

Bruce Porteous
3 November, 2007.

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