Double Minded Congress and the Moral Dilemma
James 1:8 tells us "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." What happens when you have 535 of them, and they are responsible for originating a budget, allocating money, and deciding whether to go to war--and they are running the country? You have runaway spending that puts the days of American exceptionalism behind us for generations, demeans us to the status of a second or third world country (in its worst case), and a president run amuck is allowed to conduct multiple wars at a time as part of some "reform" strategy of nation building that isn't even mentioned in the US Constitution. In other words, the nation is a mess, and it will likely get worse before it gets better.
Americans have been asleep at the switch. Even more, the majority of Christian Americans are so busy getting nothing accomplished apart from inwardly-focused, feel good, extra-biblical, emotionally-based, self indulgent distractions that there is no longer any moral bearing leading the way in this country. Romans 10:13 says, "For Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." The next verse then asks: "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?" Oh, yes, the church is preaching all right--but not a whole lot about Christ and the civic responsibility required of disciples.
The most recent example of the lack of moral leadership in this country came on a vote in the House of Representatives Friday, June 24, regarding the president's nation building war in Libya. The House voted 295 to 123 against a resolution supporting the president's Libyan war. Then voted 238 to 180 to allow funding for the effort to continue. Double-minded? Definitely. We are overwhelmingly against this war, the House says, but you go ahead and fight. And this is the prime example of why our nation is in such a state. Congress does nothing to stop these things. This is not the first time--the president refusing to end his ban on drilling for oil against a court order, his refusal to defend laws upholding marriage, and so on.
When a president goes against the laws of the very nation of which he swore to uphold the law, he should be held accountable. How then shall he be held accountable if those charged with that responsibility will not do their job? It means that we, the people, must hold them accountable. America faces a moral dilemma that is causing the nation to collapse. Unless God's people stop chasing the winds of self-indulged doctrine and focus on Jesus Christ, we have no chance as a people. And if you are focused on Jesus, then you will know that in our system of government, there must be accountability. Your civic duty as a disciple must be fulfilled. The strength of societal fabric is in the thread of Christianity.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
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