The "peace of Islam" and Iran's nuclear program
Mohamed ElBaradei spent a dozen years as head of the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency. During that time, he continuously made excuses for Iran's nuclear program, stalling actions at the UN Security Council to prevent Russia, China and North Korea from assisting Iran in building a nuclear weapon. He even won a Nobel Peace Prize for it. He insisted that Iran was not building a nuclear weapon. Today, ElBaradei is working closely with the umbrella front for terrorist organizations (and the White House Middle East peace partner), the Muslim Brotherhood, as he vies for the presidency of Egypt. Now Iran is testing missiles capable of delivering nukes to Israel and US assets in the Middle East.
The British Foreign Secretary has announced that Iran has conducted secret tests of missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads in breach of UN resolutions. William Hague said, "Iran has also been carrying out covert ballistic missile tests and rocket launches, including testing missiles capable of delivering a nuclear payload in contravention of UN resolution 1929." This is no big revelation. It is also no big revelation that Iran is processing uranium at a rate far higher than needed for any peaceful use--unless, of course, Iran has been honest all along with its intent of the nuclear program--that it was using the nuclear program to spread the "peace of Islam" worldwide.
This is something that Western diplomats have misinterpreted for nearly a decade--the so-called "peace" of Islam. Though many who know and understand Islam can readily say it, it is amazing that diplomats and politicians have no understanding of it. The "peace of Islam" means that the world would come under submission to Islam, hence bringing the peace of Islam to the world. This is how in Islamic eschatology the Islamic Mahdi (which coincides with the Christian anti-Christ) rises to power and subdues the world. Iran's dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been speaking this for years, and sees himself as an apocalyptic agent chosen to usher in the Islamic end times.
It is amazing that former President George W Bush would proclaim that Islam is a religion of peace. That the man now occupying the Oval Office would follow suit and actually partner with the terrorist supporting Muslim Brotherhood to "reform" the Middle East in the name of Islamic peace. Further, it is clear now that ElBaradei is an agent for Islamic peace, rather than true peace. The end time scenario is shaping up quickly and Christians must understand something that diplomats and politicians do not: The peace of Islam is a worldwide Caliphate as administered by Sharia law. It is the antithesis of every thing Christian. As Jeremiah 8:11 warns of those, "saying peace, peace, when there is no peace."
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
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