Friday, September 09, 2011

When love waxes cold in the absence of God's law

When love waxes cold in the absence of God's law

Jesus said in Matthew 24:12, "And because iniquity (lawlessness) shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." This is what has happened to our great nation. The laws of God have become anathema to many, and their love for one another as Americans and as God's children has waxed cold. Case in point is the recent rhetoric by Teamsters Union president Jimmy Hoffa, who on September 6 declared war on conservative Americans saying, "Let's take these son-of-a-b...out." House Black Caucus member Maxine Waters (D-Ca) said, "The Tea Party can go straight to hell, and I'll help them get there." Vice President Joe Biden has called TEA Party members "terrorists" and Republicans "barbarians."

From a president calling for more civility in politics...nothing. Silence. No condemnation. No words of reconciliation that would bring Americans together. What gives? Its deeper than politics. Its a way of life. Its the belief that a free market economy with moral people is despicable in comparison to a controlled economy with moral relativism. Those of the former are the enemy in the eyes of the latter. While both sides likely feel the same about one another, one side has at least the decency to refrain from such public characterizations. Notwithstanding, the "ilk" emanating from the White House through liberalism these days is wholeheartedly dark.

Another example is the foreign policy of America. Nation building started in the first Bush term, but now America is aiding al Qaeda directly in Libya and indirectly through the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Yemen, Syria, the Palestinian Authority and who knows where else. White House terrorist advisor John Brennan has admitted that members of al Qaeda's Libyan organization were being helped by the US in overthrowing the government there. Abu Abdallah al-Sadiq, a founder of the al Qaeda-linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) currently known as Abdel Hakim al-Khulidi Belhaj was trained by US Special Forces to (according to UPI) to take down the Libyan government. He is now calling for Islamic Sharia Law.

Certainly, early drafts of the new Libyan Constitution expressly state that the country will be governed by Sharia. The Daily Jot confirmed that US Special Forces indeed were on the ground in Tripoli. Sharia Law, Islam, Jihad, Socialism, racism, hatred--are all against God's law. Further, the United States aiding terrorists is directly against Israel, where the Bible is very specific about blessings and curses. We as a people are trekking down a very dangerous road. John Adams stated, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." We have strayed afar from the laws of God and love for one another. If we do not repent, the consequences are dire.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day! 
Bill Wilson

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